Wine Tasting - Cupcake Sauvignon Blanc
I enjoyed this wine with my roommate, Julia, pictured in the background. After doing an initial sniff and swirl, I agreed with the reviews and picked up a strong citrus aroma. Specifically, lemon. There were no secondary or third aromas (31). Upon tasting it, this wine was very light, acidic, and dry. There was a low level of tannin and the finish was sour (32). According to the Wine Folly text, Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand consists of flavors of ripe pair and kiwi.
My Review:
Overall, while this is a nice wine, I would not have it again. The bouquet was almost off-putting for me and while the taste was better, the sour taste at the end was an unpleasant way to finish the wine. While I did not pair this wine with any food, perhaps a well-balanced meal would offset the sour finish. The Wine Folly text suggests this wine with Asian food, so I would love to test out that pairing.
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